Company details

Type of business:
SeyVillas GmbH
Place of Business:
Werner-Bock-Str. 40, 33602 Bielefeld, GERMANY
Commercial Register:
HRB 42943, Bielefeld District Court
Julian Grupp, Francesca Ruggero, Walter Cuccarano
Deutschland: +49 521 92279789
International: +44 20 3514 0932
Italia: +39 0294 750615
France: +33 1884 68816
Person responsible for our web content according to German broadcasting law:
Julian Grupp
Werner-Bock-Str. 40
33602 Bielefeld
The content published on these pages are subject to Germany copyright law. Comments made by third parties are distinguished (at least via the person's pseudonym). No duplication, editing or any other use outside the terms of copyright is may be without the express permission of SeyVillas or the author. Any downloads and copies of the contents of these pages may be used only for private, non-commercial usage and only be registered users. Any such usage shall require in any case the prior written agreement of SeyVillas.
Brands and trade marks:
Brands and trade marks are not generally labelled as such. The absence of such a marking does not indicate a brand of trade mark is not subject to the relevant intellectual property rights. Any use by us of any brands or trademarks does not indicate our adoption of such as our intellectual property. Such use is merely to describe the whole or part of the product named by the brand or forming part of its content.
References and Links:
Where hyperlinks refer to third-party offers no implication should be made that the provider has adopted any such offer or position. Please note that the content on linked pages is not subject to our control, the copyright holders may be third parties and we therefore cannot endorse or accept any responsibility for the content they provide.
Online Dispute Resolution:
Online Dispute Resolution: according to article 14, paragraph 1 of the EU regulation on online dispute resolution, the European Commission will make available a platform for online dispute resolution, which can be found at SeyVillas GmbH will not take part in voluntary dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
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