
Isabelle von der Recke

At SeyVillas since: 2013


Isabelle's Top 3 Seychellen Highlights

Catamaran tours

image - Catamaran tours
One of my highlights because... can get to know more islands that way than on a normal island-hopping holiday.’s simply wonderful to see the beaches from the water!

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The Seychellois locals

image - The Seychellois locals
Worth mentioning because...

...they are always happy to help you out during your stay! feel really welcome being there.

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Perfect beaches

image - Perfect beaches
Spectacular because... have all kinds of beaches to yourself! Especially those that are somewhat more secluded.

...the beaches are simply beautiful!

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Isabelle's favourite experience in the Seychelles

A snorkelling tour near Cousin Island. The underwater world there is particularly colourful and spectacular to see! From small fish up to turtles, I’ve seen all kinds here! A truly fantastic experience!


Isabelle's Insider Tip

Homemade curry made by your guesthouse’s owner, with fresh tuna salad, banana bread and more, traditional cuisine is unbeatable!

The unique thing about the Seychelles is its geological and cultural diversity. A unique mixture of granite and coral islands and a wonderful mixture of people who live there, whose backgrounds could not be more different, but together make up the Creole population. That is something you’ll only find in the Seychelles.
— Isabelle, SeyVillas

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